Appointment Ribbon Inviting Others to an Appointment

The Appointment ribbon has a "File" menu, and four other tabs. The four tabs, from left to right are "Appointment, Insert, Format Text, and Review." After you create an appointment with Control n, hit the Alt key one time, and then right arrow to move through the tabs of the Appointment ribbon. Stop on the "Appointment" tab and down arrow one time. Hit the Tab key again-and-again to see what is on this ribbon. Do the following activity to "Invite Attendees." When you are finished move to the link at the bottom of this page titled "BACK" to go back to the "Outlook Lessons" web page.

1. Open Outlook.

2. Press Control 2 to move to the Outlook Calendar.

3. Press Control n to create a new Appointment. Do not save your Appointment.

4. Hit the Alt key one time and you should be on the "Appointment" tab of the ribbon. If not, right arrow until you are there.

5. Down arrow one time.

6. Hit the Tab key again-and-again until you hear "Invite Attendees."

7. Hit the Enter key one time.

8. Type the email address of the person you are inviting, or a group of email addresses. If you type more than one email address, put a semi-colon directly after the first address, and hit the Spacebar one time, then type the second email address, and so on.

9. Hit the Tab key again-and-again until you hear "message edit."

10. Type the message or notes for the meeting or appointment.

11. Press and hold down the Alt key and hit the letter s to save and close the appointment. All people you invited will receive an email, and a reminder.